Luxair: Pet Policy

What methods of transport does Luxair provide for my pet?

Luxair provides transportation of animals under 17.6 lbs (8 kg) in the cabin. Any animals weighing over 17.6 lbs (8 kg) may be transported as checked luggage. Animals allowed to be transported include dogs, cats, and birds.

*Pets are not permitted on flights to London City, UK

Does my pet qualify for travel in the passenger cabin?

All animals in the cabin must not exceed 8kg.

Does Luxair limit the number of pets allowed in the cabin per flight?

Yes, Luxair does limit the number of animals allowed in the cabin per flight; therefore it is important to notify the airline ahead of time if you plan to carry a pet onboard.

Does my pet qualify to travel as checked baggage?

Pets weighing over 8 kg may travel as checked luggage.

Does my pet qualify to be shipped as cargo?

Pets weighing over 8 kg may travel as cargo. All animals travelling to or from Great Britain must be declared as cargo.

What are the fees associated with pet transport?

  • Animals weighing less than 17.6 lbs (8 kg) may travel in the cabin for a 70 EUR one way fee
  • Animals weighing over 8 kg may travel as checked baggage for a 100 EUR one way fee
  • Guide dogs accompanying passengers with medical disabilities may travel free of charge.

What are the kennel requirements?

  • The maximum dimensions of the pet carrier are: 45 x 35 x 17 cm
  • All carriers must be spill-proof
  • All carriers must be large enough for the animal to stand up and turn around in

What health documentation is required?

All animals must have a valid EU animal passport.