Does Alitalia have online check-in?
Yes, Alitalia allows you to check in up to 20 hours before your flight departs. All you need is an internet connection and a printer!
Check in now for your Alitalia flight.
What can I do using Web Check-in?
- Check-in online for up to 4 passengers.
- Select your seat onboard and change your selection afterward.
- Print your boarding pass at home (for departures where the service is available), receive it via e-mail, or collect it at the airport from one of the designated check-in desks or dedicated VIP lounges.
- Cancel your check-in.
Make sure you leave enough time at the airport to check your bags and get through security.
If I am traveling within Italy, how much time should I allot at the airport?
Alitalia requires that you are checked in at least 25 minutes before your flight's departure time. If you are traveling from Malpensa or Fiumicino you must be checked in at least 40 minutes before your flight.
If I am traveling from Italy to an an international destination, how much time should I allot at the airport?
Alitalia recommends that you are checked in 45 minutes before your flight's departure time.
If I am traveling from Italy to an intercontinental destination, how much time should I allot at the airport?
Alitalia recommends that you are checked in 60 minutes before your flight's departure time.